Thursday, October 23, 2014

Self Esteem Is Key To Attracting

Self esteem is often ignored by many. We grew up in society, where it was not okay to pat ourselves on the back. Mistakes were often penalized as transgressions. Some people are old enough to remember corporal punishment doled out in public schools. In my father's day, a trip to the principal's office often meant the paddle. Such reinforcement makes us believe we are not deserving of the finer things in life. Parents who weren't nurturing sent us messages of unworthiness. No wonder many of us have issues attracting the things we want in life!

When one has feelings of unworthiness, we are sending a double message to the Universe. We are asking, but then we are saying, "but don't send this, because I really don't deserve this". Uncertainty sends out a mixed signal as well. We tend to be vague in our asking, because we never took the time out to ask ourselves what we really want. 

Some of us think we will not be able to handle it if we were to receive what we are asking for. We ask for a relationship, but deep down, we're expecting to "blow it". We ask to win the lottery, but worry we'll lose friends or mismanage the money. We ask for the promotion, but we're not sure we'll be able to handle the responsibility.

If you have feelings of low self worth, do the following everyday.

  • Think about all the good things about yourself. Are you a helluva cook? Are you talented at sewing? Write down these things and tell yourself "I'm grateful that I am gifted in____".
  • Look in the mirror and tell yourself, "I love you unconditionally".
  • If you have a rough day or make a mistake, dwell upon your accomplishments of the day. Even if you wrote 20 emails while at work, write them down!
  • Look on You Tube for positive affirmation and meditation videos dealing with self esteem. Simply do a search on "self esteem meditations" or "self esteem videos". There are tons!