Where do you keep your vision board(s)? Are they
stacked in a corner where you hardly see them unless you're cleaning?
Are they part of a computer desktop that you never use? Here are some
tips so you get to see your vision boards and / or inspirational photos
EVERYDAY! Don't forget, when you view these items, you want to feel the
emotion you would feel as if you already have these things!
- Stick a photo or a positive affirmation in the crevices of your
dresser mirror. You look in that mirror everyday, so having a reminder
there will encourage an emotion or two.
- Make refrigerator magnets your best tool. I posted "winning" lottery
tickets, positive affirmations and the type of body I want on the
fridge. The photo of my ideal body, helps keep me from reaching for the
wrong foods too.
- Place your vision board as your wallpaper on a computer you
frequently use! If you're using a computer at work and you're the
primary user, post your vision board there!
- Buy pretty frames and post photos and positive quotes around your home, where you'll frequently see them.
- Buy business card templates from Staples or another office
superstore. Type some positive affirmations on your computer with
various fonts in pretty colors and print them on your cards. Place the
cards in a room you spend a lot of time in. Pick up a card each day and
read the quote aloud to yourself. Read it several times and feel those
- Got a cool affirmation from a fortune cookie? Post it somewhere
you're sure to see it everyday. My computer monitor is home to a couple
of these!
- Last, but not least... hang your vision board(s) in a place where
you're sure to see it everyday. Preferably in your bedroom. Don't just
leave it leaning against a piece of furniture as it will always be in
your way. It should have a prominent and permanent home.
Self esteem is often ignored by many. We grew up in society, where it was not okay to pat ourselves on the back. Mistakes were often penalized as transgressions. Some people are old enough to remember corporal punishment doled out in public schools. In my father's day, a trip to the principal's office often meant the paddle. Such reinforcement makes us believe we are not deserving of the finer things in life. Parents who weren't nurturing sent us messages of unworthiness. No wonder many of us have issues attracting the things we want in life!
When one has feelings of unworthiness, we are sending a double message to the Universe. We are asking, but then we are saying, "but don't send this, because I really don't deserve this". Uncertainty sends out a mixed signal as well. We tend to be vague in our asking, because we never took the time out to ask ourselves what we really want.
Some of us think we will not be able to handle it if we were to receive what we are asking for. We ask for a relationship, but deep down, we're expecting to "blow it". We ask to win the lottery, but worry we'll lose friends or mismanage the money. We ask for the promotion, but we're not sure we'll be able to handle the responsibility.
If you have feelings of low self worth, do the following everyday.
- Think about all the good things about yourself. Are you a helluva cook? Are you talented at sewing? Write down these things and tell yourself "I'm grateful that I am gifted in____".
- Look in the mirror and tell yourself, "I love you unconditionally".
- If you have a rough day or make a mistake, dwell upon your accomplishments of the day. Even if you wrote 20 emails while at work, write them down!
- Look on You Tube for positive affirmation and meditation videos dealing with self esteem. Simply do a search on "self esteem meditations" or "self esteem videos". There are tons!
Ever wonder why some people attract everything they want or need easily, while you attract only small things here and there? It could be you're just not "ready" receive. If you have problems accepting gifts or help from people, you are stopping the flow of abundance in your life. "Oh my family gives me gifts for the holidays" you say, followed with, "and of course I buy gifts for them too". "Who me? I have no problem asking for help. I've established a good rapport with each member of the I.T. department at work!" That's fine, but your family is simply reciprocating what they know they're getting from you and it's the office techie's job to fix your computer. So let me ask you this, do you accept complements without a rebuttal? Does someone buying you lunch make you uncomfortable? How about a cup of coffee? Do you ask for assistance when needed? God moves through people and circumstances to bring things into your life and wants to remind us to be open to them.
When you are open to receive to receive the small things in life, you are opening yourself up to receiving more. When you accept a small token of appreciation, larger gratuities come your way. It will be no great surprise to you when valuable things and favors appear in your life.
Step 1: Ask! You may believe in God and you can ask him for what you want. Some people ask the Universe for their desires. No matter what you believe, just ask! It will put you desires out there and the Law of Attraction will be set in motion to attract the people and resources needed to bring it to pass.
Step 2: Believe! Once you ask for what you want, believe you already received it. When you place an order from a catalogue, you don't place another order for the same item a day or two later. You wouldn't call their customer service department and hound them until your item arrives. You would simply check your mailbox and be on the lookout for your purchase, while imagining yourself enjoying it.
Step 3: Be Specific About What You Want! Too many people are not sure exactly what they want. They send mixed signals to the Universe and wonder why they end up with nothing.
Step 4: Be Happy Now! If you are in a place where you needed your desires yesterday, you're putting out a strong signal that repels the very thing you're looking to attract. Find a way to be happy now. Act as if you already have it.
Step 5: Be Grateful! Gratitude is the quickest way to manifest your desires quickly. Be grateful for the things you have now! Your relationship may not be perfect, but be thankful you have that person in your life. Focus on his or her good qualities instead of the bad ones. Your home may be small or in need of repair, but gratitude for a warm bed and a place to relax.
Step 6: Take Action! Inspired action. If you take inspired action you will move toward achieving your goals. You will meet the right people, obtain the right resources. Everything will fall into place. Instead of spinning your wheels, take action in areas you feel strongly about. You will know where to channel your energy, so not to invest in dead end tasks.
Step 7: Take Time Out For Yourself! This will give you the clarity to recognize good choices from bad ones. You need time to decompress and clear out all the "noise" that distract you.
Okay, so this time last year, we all made New Year's resolutions and many of us are not any slimmer or any wealthier. But this year can be different, right? Because now, you know more about the Law of Attraction than ever before! Now is the time to get out our reading materials, podcasts and any other tools you might have and start renewing our minds.
I put up quotes around my apartment, mainly on the refrigerator and tucked in a corner of my dresser mirror to remind me to be grateful and expect great things. I bought pretty frames and strategically placed inspiring quotes around the house. But besides all that, we need to take action - inspired action.
You may have gotten an idea that could bring in money or solve a problem and dismissed it as "too complicated" or "time consuming" or "too expensive". That could have been the very thing you needed. In no way, should you invest time or money into every opportunity or buy every product that comes your way, but to give each "opportunity" some careful thought. You will know if something feels right for you, even if it's out of your comfort zone. If it feels right, it's time to take inspired action. Inspired action (as opposed) to just action does not feel much like work at all. For most of us, it's so enjoyable, before we know it, we have reached our goal.

I worked on a friend's film last year. It was hard work. I was working at my full time job and spending weekends on the project. I wore many hats from ordering food, selecting the costumes, purchasing and renting props to helping on the set as a "best boy" (er girl) grip. It was a lot of work, but I had the best time of my life! I had worked on a couple of films before, but not in this capacity. I definitely stepped out of my comfort zone with this project. If you are more open, opportunity will come!