Step 1: Ask! You may believe in God and you can ask him for what you want. Some people ask the Universe for their desires. No matter what you believe, just ask! It will put you desires out there and the Law of Attraction will be set in motion to attract the people and resources needed to bring it to pass.
Step 2: Believe! Once you ask for what you want, believe you already received it. When you place an order from a catalogue, you don't place another order for the same item a day or two later. You wouldn't call their customer service department and hound them until your item arrives. You would simply check your mailbox and be on the lookout for your purchase, while imagining yourself enjoying it.
Step 3: Be Specific About What You Want! Too many people are not sure exactly what they want. They send mixed signals to the Universe and wonder why they end up with nothing.
Step 4: Be Happy Now! If you are in a place where you needed your desires yesterday, you're putting out a strong signal that repels the very thing you're looking to attract. Find a way to be happy now. Act as if you already have it.
Step 5: Be Grateful! Gratitude is the quickest way to manifest your desires quickly. Be grateful for the things you have now! Your relationship may not be perfect, but be thankful you have that person in your life. Focus on his or her good qualities instead of the bad ones. Your home may be small or in need of repair, but gratitude for a warm bed and a place to relax.
Step 6: Take Action! Inspired action. If you take inspired action you will move toward achieving your goals. You will meet the right people, obtain the right resources. Everything will fall into place. Instead of spinning your wheels, take action in areas you feel strongly about. You will know where to channel your energy, so not to invest in dead end tasks.
Step 7: Take Time Out For Yourself! This will give you the clarity to recognize good choices from bad ones. You need time to decompress and clear out all the "noise" that distract you.