Tuesday, July 21, 2015

How To Get Your Blog Posts Read

There are many things that keep our blog posts from being read. In an ocean of blog posts, it is pretty difficult to get your material noticed. Whether it's a post on a public forum, social media or your own blog, following a few simple guidelines will help you gain exposure.
1. Follow your basic email etiquette. Typing in all uppercase letters, even when stating a point or stressing a few words in a phrase, makes it seem like you're yelling. Better to use bold or italics.
2. Be sure your content flows. Not everyone is a champ at writing. But varied disconnected thoughts, will cause your readers to get frustrated and move onto another post. Spend enough "time" on each point and be concise and clear. Run on sentences without punctuation are a huge no-no.
3. Watch your punctuation, spelling and grammar. Misplaced periods and commas are not only confusing, they can cause you to lose credibility. The same goes for spelling and grammar. If you have a program such as Microsoft Word, pay attention to the red and green lines that appear below the words and follow the suggestions.
4. Paragraphs please! No one wants to read a "wall of text". People need a breather. Separate each idea into paragraphs. Be sure to segway smoothly when introducing a new idea.
5. Keep it interesting. Writing the same content over and over with a just few word changes will create boredom and prevent people from returning to your site. To get ideas on content, you must always be reading. Articles inspire us to write new material. Be sure to give other writers credit. If your article looks too much like someone else' your credibility will go down.
6. A picture is worth a thousand words. An inspiring photo or a quote will draw people to your article.
7. An interesting title creates interest. A title does a lot in selling material. Catchy titles include buzzwords in your industry, asking a question or offering a solution to someone's problem. People like "how to's".
8. No fancy fonts. Some fonts are difficult to read. The best fonts to use in a blog post or article are simple sans-serif fonts. Some examples would be Arial, Helvetica, Verdana or Trebuchet. Times and Times New Roman has serifs, but most people are used to this font, as it's mostly used in books and newspapers.
9. Keep the blog simple and clean. Some blogs come in such funky colors and the articles are hard on the eyes. It's obvious that yellow type on a green background is an eyesore, but a few other color combos are difficult to read, these include:
  • Light pink font on a hot pink background or sky blue on a royal blue background. Tonal themes may be easier on the eyes, but they sometimes blend and the type has a way of "shrinking" into the background. If you must use tonals, try using the lighter color for the background and the type should be the darker color. Also, earth tones work better than bright colors and pastels.
  • Anything on black. Yes, blogs with a black theme seem to be very popular these days, but most likely people will look at your page and forgo reading it. Black grounds with the white type or even worse, hot pink or yellow type, is difficult to read. Sure, the white type may "jump" off the page, but that's the problem. It's jumping at you and the characters seem to "swell", making it difficult to read. Too many people are using the dark themes and yours will look no different.
  • You can use color and should, but the ideal blog would have white type in a white field. Save the color for the header, sidebar and blog post titles.
  • A very busy theme is also distracting and conveys the "all style, no substance" message. Your photos in your blog, should carry the most visual interest.
10. Just say "no" to ads. Well, you won't want to ban ads altogether, but too many ads - especially pop ups, will cause the reader to run away screaming. No one wants to be sold to -  at least they don't want to feel as though they're being sold to. Yes, people like to buy and if your blog has an ad for an item the reader can use, you could be earning a commission. Isn't that the idea? Here's a few guidelines about ads.
  • Keep ads in one spot on your page. Most blogs display their ads on the right side bar, beneath the "table of contents". Since this is the most popular place to place the ads, people are used to finding the ads there. Placing the ads on the top or breaking up your page with ads gives people a feeling of uneasiness.
  • Be sure your ads are relevant. If your blog is about the Law of Attraction, don't place ads for a sporting goods store - even if your best friend owns that store.
  • Don't have ads for products or services that are too similar. No one ever has an ad for Coke and Pepsi in the same place, unless it's a supermarket.
  • As I mentioned above, no pop ups! You also don't want your ads to take the reader off your page. The ideal format is to have the ad open in a new tab with a message to the reader that clicking the ad won't cause them to lose their place on your page.
  • If possible keep the ads consistent in color or appearance. Your readers will get turned off if there's a competition for their attention in your side bar.

Vision Board Parties!

A friend and I who are in a multi level marketing business, are having a vision board party. If you have friends who believe in the law of attraction, this may not be a bad idea. We are having this party toward the end of August and will post pictures! Sharing because it sounds like a great idea. Let me know if you decide to throw a vision board party and let me know if you need feedback!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Winning The Lottery

Who wants to win the lottery? Who has changed their speech from "if I win the lottery" to "when I win the lottery"? If you're like most LOAers, the first thing you probably did when you learned that you can create your own reality, is run out and buy some lottery tickets. Many of you buy them consistently. That's great, but there are some missing elements to the plan.
First of all, I'm no expert. I haven't hit the big jackpot. I have won small prizes such as $58.00 and I once won $350.00, but having played for years and buying into every lottery gimmick there is, I do feel qualified to share. If you're going to play the lottery consistently, you might want to check out some of these tips.

1. Play consistently. Yes, without consistent play, you greatly decrease your chances of hitting a jackpot. The lottery is based on odds, so if you don't play every week, or you only bet on a game here and there, you lessen your odds of winning.

2. Pick a set of numbers and stick with them. Again, you increase your odds by picking a set of numbers and sticking with them. The best formula I've come up with involves picking two or three numbers that show up often - one of the numbers being the "Power Ball" or whatever the "bonus" number is. It is very rare that all six numbers will be numbers that are selected often. I picked two numbers that are often selected - The second, third and fourth most popular numbers and one unpopular number (there always seems to be at least one in every set of winning numbers). Also if you are seeing a lot of numbers in pairs (such as 2 and 6), you might want to play those.
You may have heard of people winning with a "quick pick" where the machine picks the numbers for you. This may happen, but you will greatly increase your odds by playing a consistent set of numbers.

3. Don't fall for gimmicks. There is a lot of software out there that "helps" you pick out your numbers. Don't fall for those. I did and I'm no better off than I was before (a little poorer, because I wasted the money). Don't believe the hype about avoiding consecutive numbers or picking an even amount of odd and even numbers. That is pure rubbish. I've seen winning numbers that were 33 39 40 41 54 27 and 2 4 6 8 12 with the mega ball being 1. In all likelihood, the chances are slim, but if anyone played those numbers, they went home a lucky winner.

4. Only bet what you can afford to lose. If your bet is taking money away from a bill, even a small one, you are sending out a vibe to the universe that you're nervous about the outcome. If you are anxious about the outcome, you will be sending mixed messages and I can guarantee, you won't be winning that week.

5. Have a plan. Have you made a plan for the big day and the days to follow? Have you written your plan down or typed it into your computer? I have my plan mapped out. This is sending a message to the universe that a win is part of your life plan. When you make your lottery plan, you will need to be detailed. This includes, when you'll come forward to claim your prize, how you will back up your documents, who will you tell. You will want to decide if you'll take a cash prize or an annuity. Where you'll bank your money - in the U.S., only $250,000 is F.D.I.C insured per account. You will want to plan when you'll give notice at your job. When and if you'll want to move, what charities you'll donate to, what investments you'll make. You need to have a plan as if the money is here now.

6. "See" yourself with this money everyday. Imagine how you'll behave, who you'll hang around with, what kind of clothes will you wear? Will there be any lifestyle changes - such as move out of the city and buy a house on the beach? Imagine you and your loved ones benefiting and enjoying this money. Imagine your child going to the college of his choice - loan free. Imagine ballet lessons for your daughter. A family vacation in Disney. A swimming pool in the back yard. In my case, I'll finally be able to buy a pet, because I won't have to board him due to travel for work.

7. Check the numbers everyday. If you were expecting to win the lottery, you'd be checking the numbers everyday, wouldn't you? This is the same concept as ordering from a catalog. You order an item from a catalog  or online and expect the item to show up at your house. You wouldn't check the mailbox once a week when you're expecting something you really want, would you? Yet so often, I've seen people checking a fistful of tickets in the scanner at the store, while commenting on how "behind" they are in checking the results. Sometimes the tickets are crumpled. These tickets are money! Would you treat your cash this way?

More on Visualization

A lot has been written about visualization. I find most people over complicate this practice and some people spend way too much time in this practice. The thing is you only need to visualize seven minutes a day! Did I say seven? Yes, seven to ten minutes a day! You can do this while you're in the shower. You can visualize while on a commuter train - please don't do this while driving. You can visualize just before you fall asleep. If you're like most people, you need about twenty minutes to drift off to sleep, so that's twenty minutes of visualizing!

Another point I want to bring up, is most people visualize as if they are watching a movie. They are seeing themselves on the silver screen with all their friends and family members as their co stars! Where did so many people get the idea to "see themselves on the big screen"? One thing that comes to mind is the many Law of Attraction materials that likens our future experience as something from a movie. They even throw in phrases such as "write your own life script" and "you are the director of your own movie". The reason for this, is most people can relate to movies. Everyday we are watching some sort of pre-recorded action. Many people cannot imagine being in a mansion or walking along the beaches of the French Riviera, but they have seen it on screen. So the authors of such materials feel they are doing folks a favor by helping to bridge the gap. They're not. They are only helping the visualizer to keep the lifestyle they want "out there" or in the future. 

You want to visualize from "behind your own eyes". You want to walk through that mansion as though it were your own, passing one brilliantly decorated room after another. Sitting on a plush sofa, while watching your favorite show or movie on a giant flat screen T.V. See your loved ones sitting in front of the T.V. with you. Smell the popcorn that someone decided to pop. See a couple of your guests challenge one another to a game of pool on that regulation sized pool table in the next room. Hear the pool balls click and the light banter from your guests. Take in the sights, the sounds and smells from the activity around you. Do this everyday and you will eventually "feel" like you're in each situation. Remember, pretending this is your reality, will help you align yourself with the reality you want and eventually bring these things to you.

Complaint Free Zone!

It is true. When you complain, the universe gives you more things to complain about. When you express gratitude, you'll attract more things to be grateful for! The next time you feel the urge to complain, stop yourself and say, "I'm so happy and grateful now that (fill in the blank with the thing you would like to happen).

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Visualizing In 3 Easy Steps

Visualizing is key to attracting whatever it is you want to see happen in your life. The term "visualize" is a bit of a misnomer, as it implies imagining something like a movie being played on a big screen that you could watch - while not actively participating. You have to put yourself in the movie. Look at the situation through your eyes. The most important part? Feel the emotion as if it has already happened.

Here are the three easy steps for effective visualization:

1. Vividly imagine the experience you would like to have. See what you want through your mind's eye.

2. Feel the emotion, as if you already have what you want.

3. Repeat.

If you do these steps for as little as 8 minutes a day, you will start to renew your mind and see results!
