Recently someone asked a question about need versus want. He explained that when he has a want for something, he is not highly motivated in receiving it and therefore cannot manifest it.
Just because you don't need something, doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to have it. If you focus on your want with passion, that is enough to have it manifest. In Rhonda's book, The Secret, she told of a man who wanted to attract a feather, just to see if this L.O.A. stuff really works. He imagined the markings on his distinct feather and stumbled upon it in New York City of all places!
Then there was a lady who wanted to test the waters by imagining a white-collar lily. She didn't need this flower any more than the man needed the feather. Yet she thought of her imagined flower throughout the day. A week or two later, she went to her friend's house for dinner. To her amazement, there was a bouquet of white-collar lilies on the table! As the woman was leaving, the hostess' daughter pulled a flower from the bouquet and handed it to her.

I’ve seen and heard of many things people attracted that they didn’t necessarily need. Many people have attracted dream cars, when they already had a car. Joe Vitale is a collector of cars! I attracted clothing, bags and shoes in my life as I am a clothes horse and such items bring me joy. Some of the items were free, others came at a deep discount. Did I really need a Marco Buggiani handbag? Nope, I just wanted a bag that was out of my budget.
Some people feel guilty for intending to attract a want as opposed to a need. They’ll only ask for money when their lights are turned off. Furthermore they’ll only ask for the very amount that will satisfy the electric company. What about next month … and the month after that? Wouldn’t you want to live in abundance, so you’ll never have to worry about a light bill?