Thursday, July 25, 2013

Getting Clear On What You Want

When it comes to manifesting your desires, you need to send out a clear signal of the things you want. This helps to put you on the same frequency as your desires. It’s not enough to say, “I want a new house” or “I want to make more money”. You need to have an idea of what kind of house you are wanting and what you would like your salary to be.

This reminds me of the story John Assaraf told as published in the book, The Secret. He had made several vision boards and placed them in his office, where he would see them everyday. He looked at his boards constantly and would visualize himself having each of these things. He deeply got into the feelings of having these things and felt as if he had them already. 

He then packed his vision boards as he was getting ready to move. He made three moves and after five years, he opened the box in which they were contained. After a few moments, he realized he was living in the very house that was on his vision board! My guess is he wouldn’t have attracted that house without getting clear on what he wanted and he may not have gotten clear on what he wanted without a vision board.

I made a board that was very specific, complete with floor plans and an idea of how I want each room too look. Of course, it’s difficult to get various views of a room, but my photos provide enough information to “fill in the blanks”. This helps me “walk through the house” in a fluid manner, while imagining going about my routine in that lovely setting. 

When your mind can take you somewhere, you will get there in the body.
Imagine taking a bath in that spacious sunken tub. See yourself preparing your homemade lasagna on the beautiful granite counter top and baking it in the stainless steel oven. Envision yourself and your loved one sitting in a cozy home theater watching your favorite movie and eating popcorn!

There's a fabulous new life waiting for you to claim as your own! You are the designer of your own life, but you must get there in the mind first. Step in and enjoy.

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